Sunday, April 17, 2011

Seeds of Second Bowl Judgment Being Sown?

In Revelation 16:3 the Lord discloses that one judgment the world will suffer during the tribulation is the destruction of all aquatic life.

"Then the second angel poured out his bowl on the sea, and it became blood as of a dead man; and every living creature in the sea died."

Two catastrophic events to the world's oceans have occurred in less than a year: the BP oil spill and most recently, the release of more than 11,000 tons of radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean. The immediate effects of both are difficult to determine, but scientists are quite certain the long term effects will be devastating.

God created a unique balance of life in the oceans of the world. Destroy part of the food chain and the effects ripple to the top. According to a recent article about the BP oil spill much of the critical life along the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico near the spill was destroyed. Animals such as sea cucumbers, invertebrate worms, and corals to name a few are gone.

No doubt the oceans are resilient. God designed them to be. But how much more of man's abuse can they sustain before the damage is irreversible?

To read more visit the following web sites:

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Beginning of Sorrows

Jesus warned of a time when the world will be besieged with war, famine, pestilence, and earthquakes. The scripture in Matthew 24:6-8 could have been ripped from today's headlines. Did you know there are currently 27 wars being fought throughout the world, not including the uprisings in the Middle East?

Food prices are at an all-time high which has driven 44 million people into poverty, according to a recent article in The Week.

Several strains of bacteria are penicillin resistant. The world also has little to no defense against the highly pathogenic H5N1 virus.

And four of the last ten largest earthquakes ever recorded have occurred in the last seven years. These disasters combined have killed more than half-a-million people.

But the comforting news is these catastrophes are signs to alert the church of the Lord's return. He is coming soon! They are also a wake-up call to shake the world's complacency.

The Mother of all Earthquakes

The greatest earthquake the world will ever experience will occur in Jerusalem. Revelation 16:18-19 describes how the "great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell." So its magnitude will be so great that it will shake the entire world.

The Jerusalem Post recently reported that Israel is not prepared to face an earthquake of the intensity that shook Japan. Israeli building codes are not designed to withstand a major earthquake. An Israeli university professor said, "If a seven or eight magnitude quake were to impact Israel, it could cause more damage and result in more loss of life than any war Israel has ever fought."

To read more about this go to:

A Quart of Wheat for a Denarius

Revelation 6:6 describes a future time when a quart of wheat will cost a day's wage. We are fast approaching that time. According to a recent article in The Week food prices are at an all-time high. The cost of wheat has doubled in one year and the price of corn has increased 33 percent since 2008.

The rise in food prices has exacerbated tension in the Middle East and provided a strong platform for those seeking regime change.  An average family in Egypt spends 38 percent of its income on food compared to 7 percent in the U.S.

To read more about this troubling trend visit:

Friday, March 11, 2011

Troubling News from the East

It seems each week delivers more troubling news about China. It was recently reported that China plans to increase its military budget by 12.7%. Granted the U.S. still spends about twice what China does, but remember that China's economy is growing at an annual rate of 8 to 10% while the U.S. is hovering in the anemic 2 to 3% range. Many analysts project China will surpass the U.S. as the world's largest economy in the next ten years.

The obvious implication is that China will be able to spend more on its military in the future than the U.S. It has a reported $2.5 trillion in assets compared to $14 trillion in red ink for the U.S.

Daniel 11:44 says " from the east and the north shall trouble him..." And Daniel 11:43 says the AntiChrist will have "power over the treasures of gold and silver." So even with tremendous wealth and power, the AntiChrist will still be concerned about news from the East. No one can be certain if the reference is to China, but it is a trend worth watching.

For more information about China's military buildup, please read the posted article.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Rise of Anti-Semitism

This article touches on the root of anti-semitism. Unfortunately it stops short of identifying the real source of Jewish hatred––Satan.  Anti-semitism is demonically inspired. But as the world distances itself from Jesus Christ, the increase in hatred of Jews and Christians will increase.

We are in fact witnessing a global rise in anti-semitism right now. With the exception of the United States and Great Britain, few countries today dare call themselves allies of Israel. More and more nations are lining up in support of  the Palestine National Authority's claim that Israel is a squatter on land that doesn't belong to her. 

In the last days Israel will be abandoned and all alone. Ezekiel 38 foretells of a time when Gog and his allies will attack Israel. No nation will intervene to defend Israel. But the Lord will.